Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Behavior - Formal And Informal Rules

Nowadays, most people pay a lot of attention to human behavior. What is behavior? Behavior is a response of an individual or a group of people to an action, environment, person or stimulus. Behavior of an individual is important when you have business in China. In China, business relationship can last longer if you have a good behavior and proper etiquette because it will show that you respect them and have good faith for cooperation. There are two rules for behavior. One of them is the formal rules. Formal rules are traditional, custom, official and normal. There are some examples of formal rules. In China, the family name comes first. In formal situation, people address each other by their title such as Manager Wong or Miss Lee. We do not use large hand movement because it may be distracting to our host. Winking and whistling are considered rude. Eye contact tends to be indirect. As a guest, we also must be punctual and try to avoid discussing business at meals. at home people often refer to each other by nicknames or terms of kinship for . Another rule is informal rules. Informal rules mean it is friendly and it is normally between friends and family. Examples of the informal rules are like referring to each other by nick names or terms of kinship for close non-relatives. A younger man often calls a man who is few years older than him "big brother" and someone who is considerably older "uncle." Their friends are often addressed as juniors and seniors even if they are just a few months younger or older. When a Chinese person asks someone their age, they are wondering how to address the person.

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